Quick Hits: The Difference Between First-Party Data and Third-Party Data

Whether its lead generation or purchase orders online, the data you collect are important and incredibly valuable not just for your marketing department but your entire business. Data can be collected in many different ways and from many different sources. Most data are broken down into two categories: first-party and third-party. Both can be worth

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Businesses Can Find Positive Results with Proper Social Media Strategy

Studies, first-hand experience find that social media can help drive sales if used properly This may come as a “no duh” moment, but social media can become an integral part of your company’s business’ marketing strategy. However, when used properly, social media have been seen as ways to boost sales and better customer interaction according

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Intelligent Email Marketing

Intelligent Email Marketing — More Personal Than You Might Think

New programs can allow for a more customized and optimal email experience for customers Email blasts and email marketing are still essential parts of many digital campaigns. With the wealth of information that can be gained for a business or marketing agency, emails can become as personal as sitting face-to-face, one-on-one with that customer. Years

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10 Important Data Quality Issues Farfetched Studios Addresses (Part 2)

Last week, we discussed five data quality issues that could prevent information such as blast emails or direct mail postcards to reach potential customers. As a business juggles customer relationship management (CRM) with sending information, some small hang-ups could keep Thank You notes and special deals from being sent to valuable customers. You can review

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A CRM Is Great But Can Be A Marketing Machine

CRM (Customer Relations Management) Software, great–fantastic–amazing–tools that are a must-have at any business. Quick definition, it manages all interactions between your customers and employees via email and can also be setup to record all inbound phone calls to create an accurate record of the customer experience. The systems are usually setup to have reminders that

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