Local Ad Spending Flows with Digital Media’s Pace

As digital marketing booms, local ads trend toward spending in targeting display

Digital Media Costs IMG

The rapidly increasing number of money spent on digital targeting can leave many firms wondering how these ads are reaching potential consumers on the Internet. Another question they may be mulling — how can our business get the exposure and reach the consumers that digital media can offer.

The answer: a meticulous and detailed approach by a marketing agency with the skills in multi-platform approaches to advertising, especially in the digital market: Farfetched Studios, a St. Louis marketing agency ready to help expand your lead numbers with AdFuel.

How much will digital advertising grow this year?

According to an Adweek article, digital advertising is expected to grow 42 percent in 2015, and that’s adding to a 40 percent increase in ’14. Perhaps your business has wanted to expand its advertising while also keeping a hold in print or broadcast ad campaigns. While digital targeting and advertising expands at great numbers, traditional media aren’t entirely wiped out as they still accounted for more than two-thirds of all advertising buys according to Adweek.

“In 2015, it’s clear that targeted banners and video advertising are hot, and paid search and static display are not,” according to Borrell Associates research.

For this year, digital targeted display is on track to make up 59 percent of all digital advertising. And if your business has the foresight and has wanted to perhaps create a mobile app to target more potential business, that segment is expect to grow by 70 percent in the next five years.

How much has been spent on digital advertising?

In the last eight years, nearly four times the amount of money has gone into the online/digital medium. Compare $12.2 million in ’08 with $47.8 projected for 2015. Newspaper ads have taken a downfall but still hold almost $15 million projected in ’15. Radio and Television will be comparable in 2015 at roughly $11 million.

What your business can gain with good digital targeting

So why exactly are so many businesses taking a digital approach to their ads with banners and target marketing? Digital targeting can reach more than 90 percent of the Internet if utilized properly, and Farfetched Studios is an agency with honed skills in digital targeting and creating AdFuel.

We want to work with your business to increase your lead and potential consumer numbers. With Farfetched Studio’s comprehensive approach to first-party online targeting and our AdFuel, remarketing and much more, you can see your potential customers become loyal ones.

For more information on how our targeted digital marketing and AdFuel can combine with unique ideas and create great success for your business, visit our contact page and send us a message!

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