With a Cookie-Free Existence on the Digital Horizon, Third-Party Data Temporarily Remains Relevant

As privacy concerns have recently taken the forefront regarding digital marketing news, there are many questions to ponder regarding the future of digital advertising. 53% of companies online are still incorporating third-party data as a means of sourcing demographics and viability, according to the recent findings from Datatonics’ Programmatic Audience Targeting Survey. Behavioral Data and interest intent are the top two categories used after the findings.

More than 400 media strategists, planners, and buyers found that nearly 70% of respondents have fears about their online data-gleaning strategy seeing interruption by various challenges. These may arise after a pirate obtains your valuable information, or you face a sudden legal battle originating from a frivolous entity. Although some very savvy users are growing leery of the “to allow or not to allow” pop-ups on websites that they are browsing, the industry shift away from this is still looming with one foot stuck temporarily in the past.

A look Into the Vitals at Hand:

With a growing number of privacy regulations and the removal of signal identifiers on the horizon, third-party data is still playing a large role in strategy structure. Much like many other situations during times of transition, marketers may have a bit of trouble proceeding with successful plans even as other tactics become available. Datatonics itself was part of the Unified ID 2.0 initiative, a means of alleviating dependency on cookies started by the Trade Desk.

This is an entity whose primary concern is protecting consumers’ data, and it keeps email addresses under the guise of encryption. The development of the framework was to provide marketers the means to acquire their data with a bit more consumer protection and impose a new means of demographic collection that is privacy conscious. Over a decade ago, Datatonics enabled companies to embrace a different method of approaching audience data to verify visitor location, behavioral, and demographic traits.

Third-Party Positive Attributes are Hard Habits to Break:

The reason why many brands’ campaigns are still holding on tightly regarding third-party data is the unique abilities it possesses. The zero, first, and second-party data comes with a few strings attached in the form of scale limitations. Google’s official plans to do away with third-party sources have been delayed several times, leaving many digital marketers relying on retail media for their bounty.

Retail media involves promoting products very close to the point of purchase and is poised to gain momentum due to third-party data’s imminent exit. One benefit of retail media is that it delivers a very positive experience since the power of presentation and memory is used. As advertisers become used to its nuances and varied limitations, a beacon of hope is how it can inform you as to whether a purchase was triggered. As slightly dated as it may seem, retail media’s tactics can result in a very advanced customer profile boasting very valuable attributes.

Distinguishing Data Clean Rooms’ Appeal:

Data rooms allow platforms and advertisers to access a safe location to keep an eye on their first-party data. Although some digital marketers have had difficulty customizing data rooms for maximum potential, they once were used on in offline format to deal with copyright or otherwise sensitive information. With qualities a bit different that a standard file-sharing service, users are allowed full control of documents, as well as degrees and rules of access. Users can even set a file expiration time to add watermarks, and benefit from very specific labeling. The potential for human error is another drawback of data rooms that may leave marketers with their eyes anxiously open for other solutions.

The Pawns and Rooks in the Name of Protection:

Even though Internet speeds, graphical interfaces, and user experiences have evolved greatly over the past few decades, there is now a very solid movement that seeks to help browsers retain anonymity. Here at Farfetched Studios, we focus on content creation and allowing your brand to smoothly speak to consumers. Creative branding, SEO, Search engine marketing, and traditional media are all mediums that allow us to convey a message, and as times begin to change more rapidly, we will formulate a strategy to guarantee resiliency and success.

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