Programmatic Advertising Strengthens Automotive Data Display Ads

Dual layered-targeting makes inventory easier to access online for potential customers

One of our goals at Farfetched Studios is to place advertisements in front of those who are prospective customers. We accomplish this through our advanced dual-layer targeting strategy. We work closer with car dealerships, and nearly eight out of every 10 people will do their car research or shopping online.

Dealerships, their inventory and the data given by online searches and users help put programmatic advertising to work. According to a DrivingSales article, layered data and programmatic advertising work to create a systematic method of purchasing and dynamically serving advertising that leads to a reduced cost and greater return on investment for advertisers.

Farfetched Studios’ dual-layer targeting method provides businesses with the ability to focus more on in-market customers that have expressed interest in like products. This approach puts the right vehicles and offers in front of the right people at the right time.

Many people search for more than just what triggers SEO marketers. Whether these are more specific search or more than two or three words, it’s not easy to use traditional methods to display ads for these users. Using the data given by these searches and visits wisely helps fuel the dual-layer advanced targeting.

Data which trigger these ads include what vehicles are being searched or compared, on what sites the research is done, geographical data, other sites visited (e.g. camping equipment sites for Jeep customers) and more.

The dynamic inventory of an automotive dealership is another challenge automotive advertising faces. Making sure your inventory is up-to-date and accurate ensure your potential customers will find what they are looking for.

To learn more about dual-layered targeting and what how we can improve your business, contact Farfetched Studios today!

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