Ruling Your Realm With Newsfeed Nobility: The Best Times to Post on Facebook in 2024

As savvy businesses in the digital marketing realm are looking to see more users enjoying their content every day, the best time to post is a frequently discussed topic. The Sprout Social data team analyzed nearly 2 billion social media engagements across 400,000 profiles last year and came up with incredibly valuable findings. Facebook, TikTok, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest were all included as viable platforms for the results. 

Remaining the third most visited website in the world after Google and YouTube, Facebook boasts nearly 3 billion active monthly users. This article provides advice on assuring that your content is sliding up the feed at the times when it can reap the most exposure!

Be a Timing Titan: Crack the ‘Social Clock’ Code for Facebook Brilliance

Seeing as 89% of marketers are still using Facebook as their predominant means of messaging and contact, this platform still has an enormous impact. Here are the times that the survey deemed the most practical to post:

  • Mondays from 9 A.M. till noon

  • Tuesdays from 9 A.M. until 2 P.M. 

  • Wednesdays from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. and 5 P.M. 

  • Thursdays from 8 A.M. to 2 P.M. and 5 P.M.

  • Fridays from 9 to 11 A.M.

A close look at these time frames dictates that these are the times when users still feel a bit “fresh”, and are getting some scroll time in for the day before things get hectic. One interesting note is that entertainment-related and culinary-related posts can still do quite well around 6 P.M. While consistency always remains key, using tools that schedule posts for you should do well while adhering to this strategy. 

Timing Tailored: Crafting Your Facebook Posting Schedule for Your Industry

As any business would love to magically know when their prospects and current customers are hungry for their material, the real world sometimes dictates otherwise. The type of industry you are creating content for is one factor that plays into the way your posts should be timed.

Best Times to Post For Hospitals and Healthcare:

This remains as most weekdays between 9 A.M. and 8 P.M., but especially:

  • Tuesdays from 5 to 7 P.M. 

  • Wednesdays right at 5 P.M.

  • Thursdays at 10 A.M. and 5 P.M. 

It has also been found that the worst time to post for the hospital and healthcare industry is Sundays. This comes as no surprise, as these professionals use social media to educate and inform, rather than promote and sensationalize.

Best Time to Post on Social Media for Restaurants: 

The food and beverage industry has notably enjoyed peak posting times an hour or so later than the norm. It is proof that it does not take too entirely long for one’s mindset to switch from business to pleasure! Here are the best times to post on Facebook for restaurants:

  • Mondays at 11 A.M.

  • Tuesdays from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. 

  • Wednesdays from 11 A.M. to 1 P.M.

  • Fridays at 11 A.M. 

The worst days for this industry to post are Sundays as well. With the rise in popularity of delivery service apps since the pandemic, engagements on Facebook nearly doubled. Even though “date night” remains a tried-and-true tradition across the nation, the most opportune times for social media remain just before lunch on weekdays. These provide excellent opportunities for coupons and promotions that can be tailored to the customer after carefully looking at their purchase and eating habit data.

Best Times to Post on Facebook For Schools And Education:

2023 proved to show huge gains in social media traffic for schools and educational entities. Many of these have found that managing multiple social profiles can help reach goals of engagement and retention. Since these usually reflect a traditional workweek, a quite standard Monday through Friday posting schedule is adhered to. Topics such as everyday student life, challenges for the present and future, and unique accomplishments work well for topics. Here are the best times to post for schools and education:

  • Mondays from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. 

  • Tuesdays from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. 

  • Wednesdays from 9 A.M to 6 P.M.

  • Thursdays from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.

  • Fridays from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.

  • Saturdays from 9 A.M. to 11 A.M.

  • Sundays at 9 A.M.

Best Times to Post on Facebook For Travel & Hospitality:

This industry saw a very unique shift in activity over the last 3 years on Facebook. As the gradual return to travel has continued post-pandemic, most efforts made by this industry have been paying off plentifully. Facebook generally has a pretty significant spike midday nearly every day of the week for these industries, as consumers are thinking about where to go, and when. Here are the best times to post on Facebook for a travel and hospitality entity: 

  • Mondays from 10 A.M. till 2 P.M.

  • Tuesdays from 10 A.M till 5 P.M. 

  • Wednesdays from 10 A.M. Till 5 P.M. 

  • Thursdays from 10 A.M. till 5 P.M.

  • Saturdays from 8 A.M. till 11 A.M.

  • Sundays from 10 A.M. till 1 P.M.

Flow Over Frenzy: Finding Your Perfect Social Media Timing

It’s easy to get very eager and want to jump right in and post with this information: you now know where your window of opportunity is, so it’s time to reap results! Many tools that help with the number-crunching and other strategizing duties for a perfect post. Much like a “perfect pairing” in the wine-tasting realm, there are many different ways to stir engagement. Tagging posts and cross-network reporting is excellent for honing in on numerous thumbs-ups and likes.

Collaborate and Conquer: The Advantageous Ally to Elevate Your Social Strategy

Optimal send times are even available on the numerous forms of AI aids out there, which we are well-acquainted with! One of the largest hurdles facing digital marketers today is the amount of time it takes to ensure that their social media profiles are reaching out effectively. A trendy photo op one day may soon graduate to “not-so-fabulous” status the next, and there may be a “redo” for that! Our expertise allows you to take the FarFetched leap by transforming your social media strategy. Reach out today!
